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With this song chip, you'll be able to add 838 Tagalog hits to your song book while keeping your existing songs. In addition, you'll get new pages of song listings to add to your song book. Click here for the song list. For use only with systems that support 40-pin chips. Would you like to help others by submitting a review? Create an account and earn points for your reviews! 5.0
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100% Recommend this product (2 of 2 responses)
By Toni
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Magic Sing Chip
September 8, 2014
Awesome selection of song on my new purchased chip. My friends and I are having a lot of fun time singing together.
By Suzette
Song chip
November 13, 2018
When I received my order the chip wasn’t working so I called Ace Karaoke and he/she said to me that I need to return and they will replace it. So, I got the replacement and it’s working. Excellent service.