|  | Song Book: | Disc Format: | Multiplex: | # of Tracks: | # of Discs: | No | VCD | No | 10 | 1 |
Song Title | Song Made Popular by | Track # |
Carola | Främling | 1 |
Sten & Stanley | Jag vill vara din Margareta | 2 |
Attack | Ooa hela natten | 3 |
Tomas Ledin | Sommaren är kort | 4 |
Cornelis Vreesvijk | I natt jag drömde | 5 |
Freestyle | Vill ha dig | 6 |
Calais-Style | Dover | 7 |
Anita Lindblom | Sån´t e livet | 8 |
Lisa Nilsson | Precis som du | 9 |
Arne Qvick | Rosen | 10 |
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